Lindsey Vet Care

7740 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92111, USA

About Lindsey Vet Care

4.9 / 5

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    Elizabeth Sean
    February 29, 2024

    Dr. Lindsey saved my cat Romeo’s life. Another vet missed his diagnosis. Dr. Lindsey came on his days off to get my cat healthy. He is so kind and experienced. I highly recommend LVC. I trust him and his staff. Thank you! Libbey

    Mark Molina
    January 05, 2022

    This is a really great group of people starting with Dr. Lindsey. I've been to many vets over the years due to moving and have never been happier with a veterinary office. We really appreciate their kind and thoughtful approach. Highly recommend

    Noam Gneezy
    September 27, 2023

    We love Dr. Lindsey, but I wouldn’t recommend him. We’ve trusted him for many years with our pets and he’s a lovely man, he’s been extremely patient and accommodating despite our cat being a true nightmare at the vet’s office. That said, he missed an ear infection that was causing her to itch so much that she had horrible scabs. It was found 2-3 weeks later by a different vet after one exam. Dr. Lindsey gave a supply of steroids for itching instead of a solution. Further, we specifically asked his staff to check her anal glands because she was scooting and were explicitly told they were checked - they were not. Because our cat is aggressive at the vet she must be fully sedated. That means every visit is harmful to her long-term health. We now feel we have harmed her health on several occasions for potentially no reason - I don’t know what they were doing with her but it wasn’t thorough examinations, apparently. Again, we thank Dr. Lindsey for his kindness. I did not appreciate his staff telling us they had checked her glands when they hadn’t, it left us worried our cat could have something more serious going on when all they had to do was be honest with us. We would have been upset but at least the honesty would have made up for it.

    Sam Burns
    June 13, 2019

    Love Doctor Lindsey! He really cares and doesn't nickel-and-dime you for care that your pet doesn't need. I was with PetSmart banfield for over 5 years and they would always try to nickel and dimed you for services that you don't need for your pet just so that there new students or people who are training can get experience in. That's all fine and good if my pet actually needed that but for the most part there are a lot of times were they didn't and it would cost a lot of money. Ever since I found dr. Lindsey he's not only kind to both my doberman and my dachshund, but his prices are fair and he doesn't say your animal needs something that they don't. Would highly recommend his practice.

    Katelin B.
    December 16, 2022

    I have always appreciated Dr Lindsey and his staff. He has so much care for animals. I always feel heard and taken care of.

    Lindsey Vet Care

    Our Address

    7740 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92111, USA

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